Harvest Schedule

Vaults harvest on the following tiered schedule, hosted by Amazon AWS in the Cloud for maximum uptime and reliability.

V2 Automated Vault Harvest Compound Event: -Harvester bot will run every 30 mins scanning all vaults for profitability and attempt a harvest event when efficient -The harvest function will be called on all deposits increasing reliability of the harvests -Any EOA address can now harvest grim strategies, speeding up harvest times and opening up users the option to earn income through harvesting and increasing the reliability of harvests How to Check Vault Harvest Events: 1. Click on the vault card in the UI and click on "Harvest" in the bottom left-hand corner of the card - or - Visit the stats page at https://dashboard.grim.finance scroll down toward the vault you are interested in and click on the address to visit the contract on Fantom Scan 3. Click on "Read Contract" and navigate to the vault Strategy and click on the address 4. Click on "Transactions" and all harvest events will be visible here How to Perform a Harvest/Compound on a Grim Strategy: 1. Click on the vault card in the UI and click on "Harvest" in the bottom left-hand corner of the card - or - Visit the stats page at https://dashboard.grim.finance scroll down toward the vault you are interested in and click on the address to visit the contract on Fantom Scan 3. Click on "Read Contract" and navigate to the vault Strategy and click on the address 4. Click on "Write Contract" and navigate to "harvest" and click on write.


V1 LEGACY (outdated) Automated Vault Harvest Compound Event:

TIER 1:  Occurs every 1 hour for pools >= $500K TVL (24 x daily)
TIER 2:  Occurs every 2 hour for pools >= $100K TVL (12 x daily)
TIER 3:  Occurs every 4 hours for pools >= $50K TVL (6 x daily)
TIER 4:  Occurs every 8 hours for pools >= $10K TVL (3 x daily)
TIER 5:  Occurs every 12 hours for pools >= $5K TVL (2 x daily)
TIER 6:  Occurs every 24 hours for pools >= $1K TVL (1 x daily)
TIER 7:  Never occurs for pools < $1K TVL (inactive)

Harvester Contract Address: https://ftmscan.com/address/0xb8924595019afb894150a9c7cbec3362999b9f94

Last updated

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